Since the advent of the Internet, businesses have been introduced to a whole new avenue in their day-to-day interactions. With the instant ability to access files and information in real time and anywhere in the world, people across the globe are implementing cloud computing into their organisations.
While cloud solutions have been the answer for many, some are still hesitant to utilise this new tool. While there are advantages and disadvantages associated with most business models, it is largely up to the business owner or IT Department and the nature of the company’s daily transactions that dictate whether this system is right for their industry.
The Advantages
One of the main advantages of working in the cloud is that it allows users the mobility necessary in this day and age of global marketing. For example, a busy executive on a business trip in Japan may need to know what is going on at the company headquarters in Australia. Rather than having to make phone calls and rely on the reports of employees, they can simply check updated statistics online. The Internet is, for the most part, everywhere. Therefore, cloud computing allows the mobility necessary for success.
Versatile Compatibility
It is an ongoing debate: which is better, the Mac or PC? Despite which side of the fence you stand on this argument, it makes no difference when it comes to implementing cloud solutions into a business model. Users are often surprised to find that the various cloud apps available are accessible on both platforms.
Only Pay for What You Need
Unlike many computing programs where the package comes with unnecessary applications, the cloud allows users to literally get what they pay for. This scalability allows for you to simply purchase the applications and data storage you really need.
One of the most convenient aspects of working in the cloud is that it is compatible with aspects specific to the company. For example, cloud IT services can be scaled to meet changing system demands within a single company.
The Disadvantages
While the cloud benefits are numerous, this method of computation is not for all businesses. There are certain disadvantages that could persuade you that this system is not for your company, and it takes careful consideration and professional advice to determine if this is the case in any specific circumstance.
Less Control
Utilising the public cloud in business does have an obvious downside. By using this technology you risk losing a level of control over your company. While many IT managers are experimenting with various ways of implementing an in-house cloud system that runs on delivered metered services, this is not always the most lucrative business move.
Not Always Enough Room
Many have been disappointed with cloud technology, because they find that once they have instituted a cloud system within their business, they run out of storage space. While it is possible to update the system, it can be a painstaking process.
Security and Confidentiality
Since technology has started to expand in the exponential ways we are seeing in this day and age, cyber-crime has become a concerning issue. Cloud computing does pose the risk of increased security threats. While most companies have an up-to-date virus database, this does not make the files and information stored in the cloud immune to hackers.
The extent of these advantages and disadvantages to cloud computing will vary from business to business, so it will be important for any business to weigh these up when considering their move into cloud computing. If you need more information or guidance, give us a call, we are happy to help provide you with the appropriate solution and determine the best IT strategy for you and your business moving forward.
Call us on +61 2 9386 2900 or fill in this contact form, one of our friendly consultants will talk to you!